Monday, March 19, 2012

The New Champion

For more than a year, my post entitled Fast, Faster, Fasting had reigned supreme as the most frequently visited post. It does have a pretty picture of a car, and it is one of those stories where I show my more vulnerable side and admit to having cravings, but I never really understood why it stood for so long as the most viewed post.

Today we have a new champion. Getting it Right has finally taken over the top spot for most viewed post. It's a real fluff piece with nice pictures of the family and the dogs and some laid back words about enjoying life.

Close behind in third place is a post entitled A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words. It doesn't have any words at all. It is just one picture, although as the title implies, the picture conveys a lot.

Hmmm. There is a message there somewhere. This is where I am supposed to come to the surprising conclusions about what my audience likes. From this information I can begin to tailor my future posts more and more to your tastes.

Right now, it looks like what my audience likes is stuff with pictures. Pretty pictures.

So if that's what the both of you want, then that's what you'll get.

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