Saturday, March 17, 2012

Hermitology 101

Hermit's Cave
A hermit is "a person who has withdrawn to a solitary place for a life of religious seclusion."

There were hermits that were called anchorites. They lived in cells attached to a church. They were bricked into the cell, and the cell had two or three windows: one window into the church itself so that the hermit could participate in Mass; another window opened to the outside so that supplies could be handed in; a third window was for outsiders who wished to conduct business with the hermit. I don't know of any anchorites left in the world.

More often than not, hermits were simply men or women who withdrew from most but not all social contact -- no more parties, bridge nights, bowling leagues, PTA meetings, potlucks, softball games, Super Bowl parties, conferences, classes, court dates, theater engagements, etc.. In some places, they lived in monasteries, sometimes in the open, sometimes secluded in a cave. 

There aren't really very many true hermits left nowadays, at least not ones officially sanctioned by the church. There are some, to be sure, but not like in the past. 

I think that Sand and I are entering into a hermitical phase of life. We have largely withdrawn from society and feel very comfortable in our isolation. Like other hermits of old, we haven't cut ourselves off completely -- we're still on pretty good terms with the clerks in the grocery store, for instance. But by and large, we keep to ourselves.

I'm contemplating installing a small window in the garage door in case anyone thinks they have a need to talk to us for some reason. I could put a little kneeler out on the driveway like the one in the picture of Julian of Norwich's cell.

Of course we would need the bishop's permission. I wonder if he's willing to come over to our house to talk this over. I wonder if he would mind if we didn't open the door the whole way while we were talking to him. I wonder if he has an online hermitical application and approval process. Makes sense, doesn't it? I mean, what's the point of being a hermit if you still have to attend the damn meetings?

I think I'll mention that to him next time I see him.

Of course, that may be a while.

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