no hits.I have discovered an interesting phenomenon. If I blog, the traffic on my site goes up. If I do not blog (as I have not for the past six weeks), the traffic on my site goes way down.
You may not think this is true. You might say "Bernie, people will go to your site every day just to look at old stuff you might have written months or even years ago."
But I think not.
You must bear in mind that I am a hermit, and I am bound by the code of hermeneutics, and one of the rules about hermenation and the use of the interweb is as follows:
In regard to relationships with virtual people, one must not allow their virtuousness to seen as license to parcel oneself out to others. Hermits should follow the principle of "pressen Sie den Schließmuskel zusammen" [clench the sphincter] and conduct one's affairs such that sufficient impediments are used to discourage unnecessary attachments -- Hermit Code of the Western Province, California, Nevada and Unincorporated Parts of Utah.
I have therefore used protracted periods of silence as one such impediment to insure that people don't start to read my blog on a regular basis and get all attached.
Having now dispersed my readership, I may comfortably return to blogging into the vast, hermetically sealed emptiness of cyberspace, confident that no one is listening.
Yeah, no. Nice try, though.