Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Time of Self Examination

So here is another one of the situations in life where you have to examine what you believe and seriously ask yourself why you believe the things you believe.

When you read a book, do you highlight things and make notes right there on the page? Or, in your mind, is that akin to vandalism?

I have never liked to mark up books that I own. I am one of those who feel that books are more than just paper and ink, and just as I would not spray paint the forehead of someone who was talking to me, I will not purposely mark in a book. Libraries would agree with me on this point. They want a book to last as long as possible, and they would just as soon allow you to read a book and let the author try to impress his/her point of view on your mind without distraction from the previous yahoo who read the book. 

Having said that, I always find it interesting to see what the previous yahoo thought was important. I have a book that I picked up at a used book sale that contains extensive highlights and notes, and I have to admit that I learned quite a bit about the previous reader.

Still, I can't really bring myself to mark in book. I do however like to bookmark important passages by marking the page with a piece of paper, a post-it, a business card or any other thin object that will not hurt the binding of the book. I don't always remember specifically why I marked a particular page, but those marked pages are always good reading.

So, ask yourself, are you a book marker or not? And why?


  1. If I read something memorable I mark it. This helps me remember it, and yeah I go back scan them on occasion. I even mark my scriptures (gasp).

  2. Nope, not a book marker. I tried it in college, and found that, rather helping me focus on important information, the marks distracted me.

  3. College textbooks were the only ones I ever marked up. I find it funny reading used books and seeing when people 'edit' the work. Not always correctly. Sand would get out the wite-out I wager.

    Nope not a book marker.
