Eye of Ra |
The image on the left is an actual photographic reproduction of The Eye of Ra, taken from a real Egyptian thing that was from circa a really long time ago. And just in case you're thinking I made this up, I can tell you that I saw this thing with my own eyes.
I was talking with my son-in-law about the economy the other day, telling him about an article I read in Time Magazine. I remember having a subscription to Time when I was high school. You could count on every issue having at least one picture of some topless girl somewhere, frequently in the Entertainment section, but sometimes in World News section. Female nudity was big news no matter where it occurred in the world. None-the-less, I had subscribed to Time not for the pictures, but as a legitimate news source. It was not too many years into my subscription that I cancelled it. Time had become so opinionated and biased that I no longer considered it a "news" magazine, but simply a national op-ed publication.
I don't trust anything I read or hear from the news networks today. The state of reporting anything in this country, driven by the unrelenting "24 hour news coverage," is pretty shameful. There may well be some facts buried in the sensationalism, but they are hard to ferret out. I am particularly disturbed when I hear news reporters, politicians and people on Facebook all repeating a phrase that appears overnight. The "republican war on women" is one such phrase, or the constant clamor that "Obama is a socialist." And I never ever trust anyone who begins his/her statements with "the American people have spoken...."
But the picture above probably is of the Eye of Ra. It is from a collection of Egyptian artifacts in the San Diego Museum of Man. It took a lot of people many, many years of hard work to make sure that they could present this piece. They took care to authenticate its origins, they cross-referenced with other sources to make sure that it represented what they thought it might be, and they respected the original artist's expression.
Ra, incidentally, was the Egyptian Sun God. The Eye of Ra (or Eye of Horus as it is sometimes referred to), was thought to have healing powers. Could this be the answer to Obamacare? What does the government not want you to know about the Eye of Ra? Hear what Sarah Palin has to say about Ra!
News at eleven.
And the San Diego Museum was one of my favorite places to go as a kid. They had those slices of 'history' in visual form. ie like 'The Night at the Museum' movie...and they really did seem like they were going to come to life.