The cherry crop is in. That's the entire crop there on the left. That's far less than half of what we had last year. There was a lot of wind and rain while the tree was in bloom. The side of the tree that took the brunt of the winds did not have a single cherry on it. The back side, away from the wind, produced what it could. The cherries we did get were very, very tasty.
While we earnestly look forward with great anticipation to cherry season, we obviously are not serious cherry farmers. I can image how devastating a harvest like this might be to those who make their living farming.
Then again you don't have to be a farmer to know what it's like to work hard and do everything correctly only to have some ill wind blow through your life and leave you screwed over for no other reason that you were in the right place at the wrong time. Life is like that for most of us.
So this season's crop of cherries begs the issue of whether or not the colander is half empty or half full. Being the gentleman farmer, I have the luxury of seeing even this meager crop as a wonderfully tasty treat without having to worry about whether not it is enough. God is good. I hope the commercial cherry farmers in the area fared better than I.
Incidentally, my half full colander was totally empty shortly after this picture was taken as the family swarmed over it leaving nothing but the pits.
I saw cherries at the store just now. They looked delicious, and pricey. You are lucky to have even a few.