Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Weight of the World

I don't know why, but all day today I've felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. It has seemed that there was something I should be doing about world peace, the Greek debt crisis, loss of natural habitat and Demi Moore's marriage.

How come some days feel like that?

It almost reminds me of the stock market. Everyday the Dow goes careening in a new direction, and the analysis says something like "investors realized today that the world was round."

Part of my unease, I think, is that we've had people in working on the house over the past week -- painters and pest control people. I never like it when people are poking around my house, even when they are there at my invitation. I consider it the domestic equivalent to a proctological exam.

Now they are calling for rain this week here in the Valley. What the hell? Will it never end?

Demi, you're on your own. I just can't handle it right now, ya know?

1 comment:

  1. The day I worry about Demi+Ashton's marriage is the day I turn off the internet.
