Friday, April 15, 2011

Blah, Blah, Blah

Okay, so this is how I feel. I called Sand this morning and told her I wouldn't be in today. Don't know if it's allergies or a cold. However, this is the first time in over a year that I have felt this way. While I was still employed, I routinely picked up everything that went around at work. Autoworkers were a scurvy lot, and loved to share. I remember listening to the president of the company telling us that if we were sick, we could help everyone out by staying home. Of course, the company was so anal about attendance that if you took anytime off, there was a very good chance you would be written up. I got a write up once for missing a day when the plant was closed. I kid you not.

But it could just be allergies. One thing working in the Bay Area did for me (aside from the money) is that it got me out of the Valley for twelve hours a day. I can remember feeling fine all day until I was driving back home. As soon as I was coming down the Altamont Pass on the Valley side, I could feel my sinuses begin to swell. So now that I am spending all of my time here, it could just be that my sinuses are letting me know that there a lot of pollen out there.

Still, all things considered, life is good. At least I don't have to feel like this and go to work.


  1. And what lousy luck you have! It's a Lenten Friday, so you can't even soothe yourself with chicken soup.

  2. Poor B. There's been something going around work here that acts like a cold but has a high fever with it. Thus it's being shared quite readily. I've been washing my hands like Lady MacBeth after the incident with the sharp pointy object *grin*

    I hope you feel better soon. Have miso soup instead!

  3. Even before I scrolled down to La's comment, I was thinking "miso soup might work." Or a boatload of Claritin.
