Does having more money make us happier? Research by people who research those sort of things says very definitely sort of. Apparently, it's not really how much money we have, but whether or not we have more than others.
I thought at first this sounded terrible, and that of course I was above having my happiness be dependent on whether or not I was better off than someone else. But if I am to be totally honest with myself and with you all, I admit that I have a smug and probably irritating side that gloats over weather conditions.
I live where I do in part because it doesn't snow here, but confess that I am happiest when I am able to tell my friends from horribly cold places that I don't have a "winter coat," or that I was on the patio grilling up some steaks while they spent the day shoveling their driveway. So it is probably only fair that a friend who lives along the Florida coast sent pictures of people sunning themselves on the beach somewhere near her home.
Without any changes in measurable qualities, the weather here turned for the worse. I realized I had not seen my bathing suit for an age, and there were in fact trees with no leaves there among the palms. I had somehow made inadequate decisions in life that left me stuck here in the maudlin Mediterranean climate of the northern California. I had come to realize that while I was better off than the poor blighters in the East, I would never have what those sanctimonious ne'er-do-wells from Florida toss away as scraps from their climatological table.
Perhaps this is an aspect of my personality that will require some examination. If I only had enough money for the therapist.
They probably have all the therapy they want in Florida.
I'm just saying.
Without any changes in measurable qualities, the weather here turned for the worse. I realized I had not seen my bathing suit for an age, and there were in fact trees with no leaves there among the palms. I had somehow made inadequate decisions in life that left me stuck here in the maudlin Mediterranean climate of the northern California. I had come to realize that while I was better off than the poor blighters in the East, I would never have what those sanctimonious ne'er-do-wells from Florida toss away as scraps from their climatological table.
Perhaps this is an aspect of my personality that will require some examination. If I only had enough money for the therapist.
They probably have all the therapy they want in Florida.
I'm just saying.
We don't have hurricanes in the frozen Midwest. Or earthquakes. At least not bad ones. At least until the New Madrid Fault goes kerplooey,