Thursday, January 20, 2011

Things I Do My Own Self

I realize that it has been an inexcusably long time since my last post.

I've been busy. Sort of. A little.

Probably not enough to account for the length of my absence, but there you have it. But just so you don't think that I simply fabricated that excuse, I present to you photographic evidence of my industry. To your left is an actual un-retouched photograph of one of the two jars of pomegranate juice that I made my own self, from pomegranates that I grew my own self, on the pomegranate bush that I planted my own self. Furthermore, this very same pomegranate juice was made into six jars of pomegranate jelly which I made (yup, you got it) my own self, jelly which I have eaten my own self on bread made by somebody else.

I made and installed a shelf in the hall closet by my own self. Sand had been asking me about that for a while now. And I have written an entire new chapter in my latest book Mr. Cutter's Problem. And yes indeed, I wrote it my own self.

So, I'm just saying, I've been busy.


  1. He's been doing his own self so much I almost feel superfluous.

    No, wait, it isn't what that sounded like ...

  2. My, that's very industrious of your own self. Neat picture of the juice, too.
