Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sometimes you get to taking things for granted. For fifteen years, I worked second shift. That meant I started work at 4:30 every afternoon and worked until 2 or 3 in the morning.

It was a great shift for commuting, since I missed all the rush hour traffic. But since I worked inside a building, usually not even in sight of a window, it kind of ruined my evening. 

I didn't realize how much I missed the evenings. There is a correctness to the setting of the sun. It is soothing. Maybe that's because it is the time that the family begins to gather from where the day has scattered them. It is the time to reconnect and to unwind.

Perhaps it is because people are a little easier to deal with in the evening. They are no longer the focused and determined morning creatures steeling themselves for the day's challenge. They have done well, or at least dodged another bullet, so they are more likely to smile, more available for an idle conversation or a game of pool.

Perhaps it is just the nature of the light at sunset, how it paints the sky with color, or how it drains from the streets.

I like evening; it is the best time of the day.

Except of course for sunrise.

1 comment:

  1. ...becuz the night belongs to lovers,
    becuz the night belongs to love...
    Patti Smith
