Friday, November 5, 2010

NaNo Update

Well, I am NaNoinng. Or is it WriMoing. I have gotten through four days and I am current with word count. I will not, however, entertain any questions regarding the quality of these words.

I am well aware of the rules for NaNo, simply stated as "no plot, no problem." And after four days, I think that is a mighty fine rule.

When I began this enterprise, my only real goal was to use it to kick start to my writing. I am very close to the world's laziest writer, and I am the kind of writer who agonizes over words and phrases. I can spend hours going through the dictionary trying to find exactly the right word for the way tulips smell in spring. That kind of diligence/obsession has occasionally paid off with a truly remarkable phrase or two over the years, but more often than not, it results in a lot of stalled efforts. Too many times I get so lost in trying to find something that I forget where I was going with the thought, punch the delete key and turn off the laptop.

I found myself doing that already on the first day. Then, remarkably, I heard a little voice in the back of my head saying "Oh, just get on with it. You're not going to get word count at this rate." I agreed, and then I proceeded to churn out another 1500 words of trash.

I believe in the long run, however, that this will be a profitably exercise. My brother Ray, who is an actual, real life, earns his living as an artist artist, said that he often tells students who complain that they don't know what to draw to get a piece of paper and a pencil and simply begin doodling. Usually, within several minutes, they get caught up with something they've done, and boom, they're on their way.

And so I churn out word count. Who knows, maybe if I shovel enough, I'll find a real novel.

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